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How to report, adopt stray dogs or post a lost dog notice?

Updated: 2024-02-27
Source: Shenzhen Daily

Residents who come across a stray dog in Shenzhen can report it to a nearby subdistrict authority through the “深圳市养犬服务” miniprogram on WeChat or call the 12319 hotline to report it to the city’s urban management bureau.

In the miniprogram, you can click “养犬服务” to access the “咨询电话” and find the phone number of the nearest subdistrict office. Through this miniprogram’s “养犬互动” section, users who lost a dog can post information after clicking the “寻犬发布” button. Also through this miniprogram’s “养犬互动” section, users can register to adopt a dog by clicking the “犬只领养” button.

In addition to its online application for adoptions, the platform also publishes announcements about offline dog adoption events where residents can choose a dog on the spot for adoption. An adopter needs to go to a dog rescue center to complete the adoption process after the application is approved.

At present, Shenzhen’s district governments entrust qualified social organizations to take charge of dog rescue, and have set up dog rescue centers. After a rescue center accepts a stray dog, it will usually notify the dog owner to claim the dog if the dog is identifiable. For dogs that cannot be identified, it will treat and neuter the dog first before preparing it for adoption if the dog’s condition allows. The rescue centers call for residents who intend to own a dog to consider adoption as a priority.